Tube Pin Out Configuration for 12ax7, ecc83 6v6, 6l6 5y3, el34 5881, kt77, 5u4gb, 5ar4, gz34, el84

Key Tube Pin Out Configurations

Below you will find a range of Pin Out Configurations for key tubes.

Let me know if you require additional tubes and I will see what I can do.

Pin Out Configuration for the 12A*7 range

12ax7 pin out configuration ecc83

Pin Out Configuration for the EL84 & 6BQ5 range

EL84 pin out configuration 6bq5

Pin Out Configuration for the 6V6 range

6v6 pin out configuration

Pin Out Configuration for the 6L6, 5881 range

6l6 - 5881 pin out configuration

Pin Out Configuration for the EL34, KT77 range

EL34 KT77 Pin out

Pin Out Configuration for the 5U4GB & 5Y3

5U4GB 5Y3 pin out configuration

Pin Out Configuration for the 5AR4 & GZ34 range

5AR4 GZ34 pin out configuration