Valves / Tubes

About Evatco Evatco is the leading supplier of pre-amp tubes / valves in Australia with thousands of tubes in stock ready to ship, usually overnight to most metro areas. So if you are looking for tubes then take a browse on this site to see what we have in stock. We carry all the major brands and have access to all the brands available.

Brands we carry

Evatco carries Mullard, JJ Electronics, Electro Harmonix, Svetlana, Sovtek, Tung-Sol Genalex Gold Lion, and so many more

What Preamp tubes do we carry

12AX7, ECC83, 12AT7, ECC81, 12AU7, ECC82, ECC823, ECC832, 12AX7WA, 12AX7WB, 12AX7WC, ECC803, B749, B759,12AU7W, ECC83MG, ECC803, 12AY7, 6072A, 12BH7, 12DW7, 5751, E88CC, 6922, 6AQ8, 6BM8, 6CG7, 6H30pi, 6N1P, 6SL7, 6SN7, CV4004, Ef806, EF86, SV83 and so much more.

What power tubes do we carry​

2A3, 300B, 5881, 5881wxt, 6550, 6CA7, 6973, 6L6, 6L6gc, 6L6wxt, 6V6gt, 6V6, 7027a, 7581, 7591, 7868, EL34, EL34B, El84, 6BQ5, EL34II, KT120, KT150, KT66, KT77, KT88, KT90 and more

165 Products Found